Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Evangelistic Vent: Thank God for Grace When We Drop the Ball!

Comming home tonight from small group with the guys I was chewing on a lot of heavy stuff as we prayed a ton tonight getting on our faces where we belong before God asking Him to gear us up in His grace with courage and conviction as this semester gets under way n the Lord begins serving His people on campus through the Evensong ministry. It was just a really heavy day even before then.

My heart has been gaining a lot of weight lately to wanna share the Gospel about God's love bailout for those who believe Jesus as their Blame-taking, punishment reciever and Master of their life. I just began a class on evangelism and so as you can imagine my pistons are pumping and the engine is revving to say the least. Yet, with that is where I believe Christians can really have some interesting things happen... maybe we'll call it socially-illiterate moments in trying to share the Gospel. Desperate just to cling on to a non-believer and sick 'em like prey! lol I'm totally joking kinda! But you know b/c you've probably been there OR if you're not a believer in Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life then you might have been on the other end of this well-intended social illiteracy from a Christian.

Sharing the Gospel in an age where everything is as good as water in a bowl of fingers is sure interesting! Our culture is so far removed from the one in the day of our fore-fathers in the faith. And we're in a culture where I've learned and still am learning I think from MASSIVE mistakes that Christian one-liners don't cut it any more here's a couple I've tried or read before as suggestions but wouldn't suggest you use....

"So uhh.... if you died today do you think you'd go to Hell or Heaven?" (To that you just might get a nice request for you to go to the former)

"I'm trying to find my way back to heaven would you like to join me?" (Guys, try that on a woman in a mall or at Meijer and you just might get pepper-sprayed like a grizzly attacking Ted Nuggent in Alaska....and NO thank God I didn't find this one out on my own. I read it in a book I wouldn't suggest you read lol)

"So when you grew up were you ever preached down your throat?" (Notta great conversation starter...better off using that as an ignition for you to burn your house down....literally)

The point in what I'm learning is that you and me, as Christians, are God's ambassadors to a world massively gone wrong and hurting and searching for something more than a 9-5, dinner, plop on the TV n sleep and press replay with a different day slabbed on it. We are being watched and the world is looking @ Christians to see what God looks like and when we aren't careful how we are representing our King to this world we can give a meat-grounded piece of junk for the world to see. May we be a light, persevere and suffer for Christ's sake with joy and continue growing....In God's grace and keep sharing the love God had by seeing the need for a Savior and looking no further than Himself to provide it. Remember ultimately when you will have moments of learning from failing that "we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28 ESV)

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