Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Christian Hedonist's Binge

Living for a Name that's not our own
Giving center stage for the Real Star of the show
Living in a way that says "It's not all about me!"
For servants of the King we are Whose kingdom is unseen

Letting go of what you thought you owned
Seeing you're a steward while the Owner's away from home
Giving all you have for the One Great Pearl
Seeing feet and running there with water and a bowl

Recognizing there's no hope in the things our eyes can see
But that what's unseen stands eternal and is where we shall store our treasure

For it is more blessed to give than to recieve
Join the Master and not be so easily pleased
Happiness is what you want? You're dollar's gonna come up short
Finding joy is not in the Creation
Finding joy is in the Creator

1 comment:

  1. whoah... you write this bro?
    thanks and i'm glad God used that to encourage your heart!
